Dairy from Kent's Can Help With Your Healthy Eating Goals

Jan 15, 2023, 3:59:19 PM

Most every adult sets intentions in January to pursue better diets and healthy eating. This ranges from portion control, calorie counting, and eating proportional servings from the food groups. Instead of diving right into everything you should consider when taking a hard look at your diet and making big decisions - let's plunge into focused areas where you can improve your diet. 

Dairy is a very important food group to incorporate into your diet. Dairy also supports several different eating styles. Prior to filling your cart with dairy items - perhaps choose your diet goals prior and then follow our tips!

Yogurt, milk, cheese - are all the main staples of dairy. You can pick any of these items and have fat free to full fat options. Dairy contains essential nutrients and may offer health benefits. Dairy products are high in calcium and vitamin D, both of which help to maintain strong bones and teeth. Of all the dairy foods, yogurt is the most concentrated in both potassium and calcium. Making yogurt a part of a regular diet has shown benefits for immune function, digestion and oral health.

Dairy products that are local and organic are great options when shopping around. If you want to consume pure dairy products - do you research on brands that support clean practices. Dairy is also a product marketed to all age groups - great branding makes dairy appealing to the little children in your life, too!

Kent's is here to help you with all of your healthy-eating goals in 2023!